Labels:earth | fence | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | sand | sky | water OCR: abcaef ghijfr nnoparstuvhxyz ABCDE GHIJKIMN IOPORST uMwxyz 0123456789 %$#0i~ +=> <.0}1) "/ The quricf brows foxjugs over the lazy 200 76 The quick browh fox jumgs over the hze] dog The quick brown sduyyr!xof over the Lazy dog. 36 The quick sduyn!xof over oyt Lazy dog The quick fox.jumps over oyt Lazy dog The quick MMO19 jumps over ayt lazy The quick brown XoJ jumPs over oyt abcael Cghiiktr ABCT ETGHTJKLMN JOPORSTUVWXYZ ibro lazc brobn tazi tazy rick